Written by Brian Vega on April 10th 2022
BIA is a staple in the field to give our clients the best care. Listed here are some products we offer and hope all our clients are open to hear about: Mortgage protection, Income Protection, Head Start Whole life insurance, Whole life insurance, Key person insurance (CEOs, CFOs, valuable business personnel). Each of these are backed by reputable companies that BIA works with, each one has a unique protection to give.

What insurance is for you, whole life or term?

Written by Brian Vega on April 10th 2022
Ultimately the end result for BIA is we recommend whole life for individual, children and families to choose since they are more dependable with income protection, benefits, premiums and waivers unlike term life insurance. What we offer for term insurance is more outside the realm of term life which are key person, disability, and mortgage protection.
How BIA completely flipped a business onto a better track. Review from TFCC Corp.
Written by Brian Vega on April 10th 2022
Fast forward into taxe season 6 months later after the whole process was started and finished with BIA. My business is estimated to have saved $30k in taxes, BIA really meant about saving from uncle Sam. Not only did I save money from taxes but I was also taught ways to save for expenses, in total I have estimated to save over $40k in business expenses itself!
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