Why any type of extra coverage for mortgage, business or life should be encouraged.
Written by Brian Vega on April 10th 2022
The issue with mortgage, life and key person insurance is foundational. No one has ever been educated correctly or either been unaware their whole life. As with anyone, human behavior to not believe in new topics is common. Not only is this a set back for many generations, there is a stigma behind life insurance, that it must be a ponzi scheme and often hear “why are telemarketers calling me every day?”. I have heard from so many people and now clients that once they heard life insurance and there first instinct was to hang up the phone.

Now, I am a figure who favors insuring lives, there are many companies who do not scale to the policies given which is terrible, but what field does not have these terrible companies who screw over their clients? This problem is in the field in every category, from auto, boat, house and even life insurance. Being able to find the diamond in the rough with a company you can depend on will be a generational wealth added for families to be helped and this is where BIA stands in and makes the appropriate strategies for our clients. BIA is a stout broker who negotiates with multiple companies with the clients information and needs, these companies have been verified by BIA and are dependable/pedigree in the field, only the top tier affordable companies are worked dealt with. This ensures 100% satisfaction to the clients, families who are in the care of BIA, which leads to soul enrichment to our client and agents who believe in giving everyone the best attention and needs.

BIA is a staple in the field to give our clients the best care. Listed here are some products we offer and hope all our clients are open to hear about: Mortgage protection, Income Protection, Head Start Whole life insurance, Whole life insurance, Key person insurance (CEOs, CFOs, valuable business personnel). Each of these are backed by reputable companies that BIA works with, each one has a unique protection to give.

The first and one of the most bought protection offered is Mortgage protection, Income protection, Head Start whole life, and Whole life final expense insurance. All of these provide a specific coverage for a specific audience and has great value to bring. Mortgage protection is common upon people who own a home, this will ensure if a accident or death will not turn a families biggest asset into a liability. If this insurance is purchased who ever owns it single or pair, will have the ability to have their home paid off in full, in the event a horrific event were to happen to said insured. Income protection is a insurance that provides beneficiaries a income from the person who was insured. So for example: an insured makes $100k a year and purchased income protection for 5 years, if the client passes away, the beneficiaries will get $500k spread out in 5 years to help fund the burden the insured left behind. Whole life and Head start at the same but for different age groups, both of these are protected for the Whole life of the insured. Whole life is for adults and Head start is for children, both provide two aspects which is Cash value account, which is a savings aspect of the payments made and or equity build up, which can also be taken out as a loan for free only catch is taxes will have to be paid. The other valuable benefit of is the death benefit that whole life provides which is a lump sum benefit that is help to paid funeral costs as quick as in 24 hours to disperse payment and what ever is left of the benefit can be used for whatever the beneficiary would like to use it for. Each of these serve a great purpose, each give a security to a child, family or business owner. The value of insuring you life, house should be far more valuable than insuring your car or phone. These are the products we offer, that are proven to be great and work as advertised.

The last yet very vital insurance in its own category would be key person insurance, this insurance policy is more for business owners, CEOs, CFOs, Advisors, basically any key person from a company who in the event would become disabled or death which will determine a financial/strategic disaster for the person itself and company. This insurance can replace 150% of a insured income, pay 3x compensation to company to find some one to fill in in the meant time, also offer a variety of lump sum payments for the person who was loss or disabled under key person insurance. This insurance enables a company to have a financial advantage in the wake of losing a key valuable component to a business, from CEO to a salesman. If there is a person valuable to a company that a loss or disability, will negatively hurt production and financially is someone who should be covered under key person life insurance. This insurance policy can help keep businesses afloat and also provide income for the family of the loss or disabled.

In the end it is the clients choice to pick what coverage works for them the best. We here at BIA can only do our best to point you in the right direction, it can be based off budget, needs and coverage, which ever speaks to you, we do it all at BIA. Our end result is inevitable, we wish to give all our clients the best bang for your buck and peace of mind for yourself, family and or business.

Brian Vega

In all honesty I thrive with the satisfaction and joy I get from my clients faces when they are given the best care!
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