About Brian Vega 
 Brian is a financial, life, key person insurance advisor from Palm Springs, California who has been able to help many families and companies get protection they need  while also advising how to save money and boosting profits. There has been mulitple sole proprietor companies he has also given a face lift to become full functioning, oiled, and refaced for a better long term advantage. After working many endless 9-5 jobs, he decided to make a change and do what he loves which is teaching people the ins and outs of great life insurance, mortgage protection, key person insurance and giving financial advice to companies of all fields.

Brian is a financial and insurance consultant who helps families, business owners with costs from uncle Sam and inflated markets. While also giving the right life insurance coverage to families who are into extreme sports, there is more to it than anyone in public knows! He also has helped many companies like TFCC Corp. into being more profitable companies and many others as well into becoming more.

Brian's clients have been people with same interests as him, being a family man, extreme sports enthusiasts, as well to being a business owner.
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