How BIA completely flipped a business onto a better track. Review from TFCC Corp.
Written by Brian Vega on April 10th 2022
To give some background of another aspect of what BIA offers is financial advising for upcoming business in the sole proprietor category and corporations. BIA has been able to help multiple clients with their company’s to save against uncle Sam and market volatility/inflation. There are various ways this can be done and BIA is a gold standard in the industry to do so. This company shown here is a carpenter company who started as a sole proprietor and changed vastly after the company finally decided to take on change and receive BIA financial advice.

Here below is a real confession of the company TFCC Corp. this company is in the construction field and revolve around the absolute most custom, elegant and state of the art kitchen, cabinet, and wood work.

Hello this is the CEO of TFCC Corp., I am here to write that I was completely 100% satisfied with all the work BIA provided for myself, personally and business wise. It all started off with getting a life insurance policy with Whole life and ADB. During our meeting the agent then always relayed some information after I told him I was a business owner, which at first I was taken back since it was just life insurance. I will tell you now, it was worth it in the end.

After we finished the life insurance application, the agent then got some more additional information about where my company was at infrastructure wise, at time I was only a sole proprietor. Once all the information was settled he then proposed a plan right away to help my business save money from taxes and also a way to cut expenses down. I loved the idea although it seemed to good to be true, we then followed through with his plan and executed everything he advised.

Fast forward into tax season 6 months later after the whole process was started and finished with BIA. My business is estimated to have saved $30k in taxes, BIA really meant about saving from uncle Sam. Not only did I save money from taxes, I was also taught ways to save for expenses, in total I have estimated to save over $40k in business expenses. I was thoroughly impressed with it all in the long run and cannot thank BIA enough for it all. I now suggest all my colleagues in the business world to sit down and hear what BIA has to offer for insurances and financial advising. I appreciate everything BIA has been able to help with my life and now business.

Brian Vega

Thers is more too BIA than just insurances, business owners are in for treat!
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